XVI.PIYAVAGGA. AFFECTIONS 209. Applying oneself to that which should be avoided, not attaching oneself to that which should be pursued, giving up the quest, one who goes after pleasure envies him who exerts himself. 210. Consort not with those that are dear, nor ever with those that are not dear; not seeing those that are dear and the sight of those that are not dear, are both painful. 211. Hence hold nothing dear, for separation from those that are dear is bad: bonds do not exist for those to whom nought is dear or not dear. 212. From endearment springs grief, from endearment springs fear; for him who is wholly free from endearment there is no grief, much less fear, 213. From affection springs grief, from affection springs fear; for him who is wholly free from affection there is no grief, much less fear. 214. From attachment springs grief, from attachment springs fear; for him who is wholly free from attachment there is no grief, much less fear. 215. From lust springs grief, from lust springs fear; for him who is wholly free from lust there is no grief, much less fear. 216. From craving springs grief, from craving springs fear; for him who is wholly free from craving there is no grief, much less fear. 217. Whoso is perfect in virtue and insight, is established in the Dhamma, has realized the Truths, and fulfils his own duties, him do folk hold dear. 218. He who has developed a wish for the Undeclared (Nibbăna), he whose mind is thrilled (with the three Fruits, he whose mind is not bound by material pleasures, such a person is called an "Upstream-bound One". 219. A man long absent and returned safe from afar, kinsmen, friends, and well-wishes welcome on his arrival. 220. Likewise, his good deeds too will receive the doer who has gone from this world to the next, as kinsmen will receive a dear one on his return. |
Foreword ][ Preface ][ Introduction The Twin Verses ][ Heedfulness ][ The Mind ][ Flowers ][ Fools ][ The Wise The Arahat ][ Thousands ][ Evil ][ Punishment or the Rod ][ Old Age ][ The Self The World ][ The Buddha ][ Happiness ][ Affections ][ Anger ][ Taints ][ The Just and the Righteous The Way ][ Miscellaneous ][ Hell ][ The Elephant ][ Craving ][ The Bhikkhu or Mendicant Monk ][ The Brahmana The Dhammapada ( java-script / frames / images ) |